Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Welcome Back!
Tests from Chapt. 3 as well as their corrected rough drafts of their Scientists Book Reports were passed back Mon. Their final drafts are due back in Friday accompanied by their rough drafts. They must have a cover page as well. Both keyboarding teachers are giving them time in their classes to type their final copies.
We started Chapt. 4- The Plant Kingdom in class today.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Due Thurs., 2/7
We have finished Section 2 about the effects of Algal Blooms. Students will be building off two days of reading, discussing, and working with scenarios about algal blooms in salt and fresh water. They will complete this section by analyzing a situation on page 94 and writing 3 paragraphs using their knowledge of eutrophication and its environmental impact on society.
On Fri. we will have a short quiz to revisit their illustrated "Quest" on Protist from the week of 2/4. The last section deals with fungi and we'll be working through pages 95-106.
By the end of next week (preceeding vacation) we will have worked on our rough drafts in class for our science book reports; passed them in, and finished Chapt 3. Thurs., 2/14, and Fri., 2/15, we will be reviewing and testing for Chapt 3 as well as completing book report rough drafts.