Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome Back!
Tests were passed back from Chapt 5.

We've been watching a rather long movie entitled Darwin's Darkest Hour. The vocabulary is excellent as is some of the scenery depicting his travels, however the majority of the action is in England. I think after today we will put it on hold and save it for an after school activity for those who would like to see the the remainder.
New books are being passed out and we will cover Sect 1, Chapter 1 by the end of the week. By Friday students will be responsible for the key terms as they apply to characterizing what makes something living and what are its basic needs.(See page 43, Key ideas and Key Terms- Section 1).

In addition we will begin an interdisciplinary project involving English, Science, and Keyboarding. During their long period, each class will be given an article about Balto and the Iditarod. For Science they must first highlight or underline key phrases and then refine it to a paper and pen product. This seems to give them a sense of ownership. All words and phrases must be in the order that they appear in the article. My objective is to have them practice their note taking skills. Once I proof their rough drafts, they can create a finished product in keyboarding and pass in a hard copy to me which can then be saved for their poetry anthology for Mrs Udstuen. If they choose to do their typing at home, they must save it as they would in school. In keyboarding they will be following the Iditarod on line.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thank you Payton for your comment. Yes we will postpone the test until Friday. FRIDAY 2/12 DAY BEFORE VACATION!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!! ;) Be prepared to turn in your text book. Again, have a great vacation.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Final test on Chapter 5 scheduled for Thursday before vacation.
Books passed in Thurs. and Friday.
All material must be made up by Thurs. after school.

Mon. Jan.8th
Read Section 3 (pgs. 159-163) Answer Sect3 Review, page 163,1-4 in complete sentences.
Include final 2 key terms in vocab. sect. found on page 165.
Tues. Feb. 9th
Page 166-1-10. Answer in complete sentences.
Wed. Organize Chapter 5 review material and key terms. Study for test Thurs.
Have a great vacation!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tests on Chapter 4 were passed back Wed. along with graded homework from p. 136.
Students have been assigned Sections 1 & 2 of Chapter 5. In addition to the reading, they should have answered the section review questions(Sect. 1, p. 150, & Sect. 2, p. 158) as well as have added the key terms from page 165 (Sect. 1 & 2) to their vocabulary sections along with their definitions.