Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm sorry about missing the last two days-snow day not withstanding, however my blog site was not cooperating.
We completed our final Chapt. 5 Test Tues. from our Cells and Genetics book and received it back on Wed. We also received our second book that day and had an assignment to read Sect. 1(Chapt.1) and answer questions 1-4 on page 23.
Today we're working on Section 1 and there will be no homework this weekend except to bring in a cover(brown paper bag) or jumbo book sock to cover their books.
Many students might need a new notebook as their old ones are getting filled up. If not, they should clean out their old notebooks of misc. papers and organize them so they can find current notes.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Students have finished their review packets and have been instructed to take home their books and packets to study for the test tomorrow on Chapter 5.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

We are reviewing for our Chapter 5 Test scheduled for Friday.
Students were assigned P. 166, 1-10 to be answered in complete sentences.
Due to the "rush to the buses", they have an extra day to complete Tues.'s assignment.
Today we worked on their review packets. Standard classes with the exception of Block 3 should be 1/2 completed with the exception of their vocab. which they can complete from their notebooks. We will complete our review packets in class Thurs. Honors classes were assigned completion at home.
Thurs.'s assignment will be to use their notebooks to complete the vocab sections of their packets and then study their packets for the test Fri. This chapter has been interrupted by snow days and a long weekend. Students might want to skim over the chapter(pages 140-162) again.

Friday, January 14, 2011

No homework tonight.
We covered Section 3, Chapter 5, starting on page 159 in class.
Students may need to complete the reading on their own.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No homework tonight.
Enjoy the snow day!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Graded classwork combined with homework check(two marks) were passed back today.
Homework was to read pages 151-158 and using complete sentences answer questions 1-4 of the Section Review found page 158.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Students finished up Sect 1 by going over their Sect. Rev. that was started in class Wed. and finished as a class discussion today. The corrected answers should be in their note section.
Today we handled fossils and talked about The Geologic Time Scale as a lead in to Sect. 2.
Their homework was to complete the key terms and their definitions for Sect 2 found on page 165.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

We've been doing a few activities in class- inspecting different sunflower seeds for variations and using tweezer vs tongs to pick up cereal and seeds to model adaptations.
Tonight students should review Section 1 and list and describe the four factors that affect natural selection in their note sections.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Chapt 4 tests were passed back Mon.
Students were assigned pages 140-146- Sect 1 of Chapt 5 to read.
At the same time they should be picking out the meanings of their vocab(key terms of section 1) found on page 165 and adding them to their vocab section of their notebooks.