Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tests on Chapter 5 were passed back Mon. and new books issued.
Section 1 has been assigned by outlining the key terms around a species theme and then applying it to a sketch to demonstrate usage. An example would be the species bullfrog and its population and community found in an ecosystem of a forest within a habitat of a pond surrounded by abiotic and biotic factors.
Homework for Tues. has been to read Sect. 1, pages 16-21, and answer questions 1-5 in complete sentences.
A short quiz covering the key terms for section 1 will happen on Fri.
Science has the responsibility for the quarterly book report and a rubric outlining dates and what the expectations are has been passed out today. Yesterday we went to the library to chose boigraphies dealing with scientists, environmentalists, inventors or someone of that genre.
Most of the books are very thin so students may have to use the internet for additional information.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Students will be finishing the final Chapt. 5 with a Test on Fri.
Any students with books at home must turn them in on Fri. before vacation.
Vocab, sect. reviews and notes will be used to study as well as review material given out on Thurs.
We will be using book 3 dealing with environmental ed. when we come back from vacation.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our last quarter begins today with working through Sect. 1 of Chapt. 5, pages 140-150.
Their assignments are as follows:
Read Sect. 140- 150.
The 6 Key terms should be in vocab Sect.
There should be notes from class.
Two class assignments should be finished up by Thurs. Some may chose to do them at home.
Apply the four factors that influence natural selection to the rabbit mural on board. Develope this into writing assignment no more than one page on white lined paper.
Students have been modeled examples of a geologic time line -i.e. bus, clock measuring instrument, etc. to show the earth's age relative to mammals coming on board. They have to create their own example to illustrate this.
Section review-page 150, 1-4.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Due to MCAS testing we have focused on in class reviewing and completion of our study guides for Chapter 4 test. Tests will be handed back to all classes except for periods 7 & 8 who did not meet with me today.
We will begin Chapter 5- Changes Over Time (pages 138-167). All students should have read pages 140-150 by Friday. This will conclude our second in a series of three books.