Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Quizzes from Friday were passed back Monday. Homework was posted on the board to do page 93, 1-5. Section Review. Because it was not pointed out and we ran right up to the bell explaining codominance as it relates to Punnett squares, we will cover that assignment in class Tues. Those that missed the assignment can do it in class. Students will be asked to build on their knowledge of mitosis to understand the concept of meiosis-Section3 of Chapter3 which we'll start on Tues. Their assignment on Wed. will be to draw the cell cycle again but to show how a sperm and egg cell have the ability to half their chromosome count which they have learned to do with Punnett squares.
On Friday they will have a quiz on probability with Punnett squares with the connection to meiosis.
I am also encouraging students to bring in toys for needy families to support a school drive. A bonus will be added once to one quiz score to improve their average. This is a 7A team-wide effort from the four core teachers.

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