Tuesday, November 30, 2010

After a nice relaxing break we are revisiting Mendel, Meiosis, Punnett Squares and Protein Synthesis( Pages 80-106 of Chapter 3). They will have a test on this Friday.
All 4 Review Sections should be completed as well as the vocabulary on page107.
Page 108 was passed back today and I have been individually checking with each student to let them know what they owe me.
Leaf albums were due the Wed. before Thanksgiving and again students are asked to come back after school on Wed. if they haven't turned theirs in. This is considered a test mark.
If students are all caught up on work for Chapt. 3 they have no homework tonight.
We are working on a review packet that if not finished in class by tomorrow they will have to take it home to complete.
Thursday they should be organizing their material on Chapt. 3 and reviewing it as well as skimming over Chapt 3 again. (It's been awhile!)

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